Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Love huh;) such a waste...

I'm sending a BUZZ! around the world;)...Today I'm gonna talk about love,not that is something worth to talk every day,(NOTE: This is a point of view).
I'm saying "not worth to talk every day", because most of you people does, especially women,men are straight to the point.All day long, "where is that man? if he would be romantic,flowers,jewelry make anything possible for my happiness, then he is truly the ONE,THE CHOSEN ONE.
Its quite funny how relationships develop:
1st. The chemical attraction,
2nd. The strong motivation
3rd. Justifing motivation
4th. Explore interests
5th. Maintain or be under the pression (depends if the interests were satisfied or not).
if not....brake up and rebuild this cycle;).

I believe some would say :"This is TABU man! Don't you ever speak this way."
Men are crazy about sex, about dominating an Army of naked women,its like The Holly Grail Profane,The Quest for the coronation in the kingdom of sex. Sexania! where His name of "sex" is followed by the shouting of the kingdom soldiers "ahhh...nia ! nia! nia!".
Few men are in desire of money if women are available for them,quite sad...because women cannot be available for men with no money ,its a balance thing ,its like Good cannot exist without Evil,examples are everywhere, you name it. Before arguing with me you must know that the money issue for women is just an example, it can also be , power, fame, everything that helps to step out from the shadows into the spotlights where everyone's attention stops to its polished identity as a result of satisfaction,Happiness for finding love.This is so true ladies:) that I myself am sorry for observing this...Check out yourselves while walking on the street, every time a woman goes by and has something which you might say, beautiful, you get envy,you analyze,you criticize because "she" took that place of spotlight.We are living in a world of desires,a world of interests...Nothing happens if we don't allow to happen in our lives and we only allow it to happen if something cames as a result of satisfaction of our desires...If you choose to go to a movie,it is because you are interested in the idea presented in that particular movie,if you choose to take a walk in a park is because you would enjoy, in a way or another that walk.
For some people there is "The Love" motivation... movies are selling this because it gives hopes to weak people ,setting a goal its an important step in our lives but don't let others to do it for you,they are selling emotions which you would try to provide for yourself... but love has no pattern:) ...its not like fallowing a model which provides emotions.
Some are blinded by this vision, so they induce the state of sadness,dissapointment because the person that is part of their process is beyond or above their expectations, the only fail is in our mind.Becoming nostalgic for something that can be lived only in the naive universe of its own mind.
I myself,believe that Love is an ART, and the masterpiece comes with the sacrifice of those whom not plead as Artists,but act like Artists ,the great sacrifice is lost nowadays...huh, such a waste.:)

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